The Chapel Hill North Community Association (CHNCA), established June 2015, is a community organization led by a group of volunteers that work with the City of Ottawa and other east-end Community Associations to improve our community and provide residents a forum to discuss issues that affect our neighbourhood. We organize community events a few times a year - including Community Clean-Up days (spring and fall), community-wide Garage Sales, and other fun community get togethers.
All residents of Chapel Hill North are automatically members of the association (no membership fee).
Vice-President: Vacant
Treasurer: John McCarney
Secretary: Vacant
Past President: Katie Morissette
Boundaries are: St. Joseph Blvd (north) - Boyer Rd (east) - Innes Rd (south) - Greenbelt/forest (west).
All residents of Chapel Hill North are automatically members of the association (no membership fee).
Board of Directors 2020-2021 Term
President: Ryan ShackletonVice-President: Vacant
Treasurer: John McCarney
Secretary: Vacant
Past President: Katie Morissette
Facebook: @chapelhillnorth.orleans
Twitter: @chapelhillnorth
Where is Chapel Hill North?
Chapel Hill North is located on the west side of Orleans, Ottawa, Ontario (Canada).Boundaries are: St. Joseph Blvd (north) - Boyer Rd (east) - Innes Rd (south) - Greenbelt/forest (west).